Kailua Moon is a modern Hawaiian duo comprised of singer-songwriter Nani Edgar and slack-key guitarist Danny Carvalho. Their first single was nominated for Hawaiian Single Of The Year in this year’s Na Hoku Hanohano Awards, and are currently promoting their debut album, Back To Paradise.

Separately, Nani and Danny have both been involved in Hawaiian music for their entire life. Nani learned hula at an early age from her mother, a student of Hienie Kalehualaha'ole Blaisedell of Molokai and Kawaikapuokalani Hewett. She ‘unukied as a kumu at the tender age of 14, released her first solo album East of Maui at the age of 21, and has toured with Hawaiian music legends George Kahumoku, Jr., Ledward Ka’apana, and Daniel Ho.

Danny’s journey in Hawaiian music began with his parents as well, who were students of the late great slack key master Raymond Kāne. He later learned the tradition of kīhoʻalu from Ozzie Kotani, and would go on to share the indigenous art form on nationally broadcasted radio shows From The Top and A Prairie Home Companion. His three solo albums, Slack Key Journey, Somewhere, and Ke Au Hou were each nominated for Nā Hoku Hanohano awards, and he was also featured on the Grammy Nominated slack key compilation Slack Key Kings.

Together, they have toured across the United States sharing their unique blend of Hawaiian and contemporary music.

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