Postcards by DANE NAKAMA
Postcards by DANE NAKAMA
Postcards by DANE NAKAMA
Postcards by DANE NAKAMA
Postcards by DANE NAKAMA
Postcards by DANE NAKAMA
On Sale


Postcards by DANE NAKAMA

Regular price $ 4.00


  • Illustrations by Dane Nakama
  • Size: 4” x 6”
  • Cardstock paper 

About the Artist

Dane Nakama was born and raised in Pearl City, Hawai'i and has exhibited work in across the island, Florida, Tokyo, and California - where he is currently studying at the California Institute of the Arts. Working in drawing, painting, ceramics, and video projection - Nakama has explored many themes through his practice. From psychoanalysis to quantum physics he is no stranger to learning through the language of art. This tendency to learn through a visual means evolved into the essence behind his practice: to make visual literacy and fine arts more accessible. Being both an artist and a poet Dane wishes to share the language of images, as they too can be contemplative and melodic.

As he puts it: “ I write paintings and paint poems”

デーン・仲間はハワイのパールシティで生まれ育ち、島を渡りフロリダ、東京、カリフォルニアで作品の展示会を開いており、現在はカリフォルニア芸術大学で学んでいます。スケッチ、アクリル画、陶芸、ビデオ投影の創作など、仲間 は制作活動を通じ多くの題材を探求しています。精神分析学から量子物理学に到るまで、彼は常日頃より学習にも芸術の言語を反映させています。視覚という手段を介して学んで行くというこの才能が彼の制作の背景で本質化していきました。視覚による言語活用と美術とをもっと身近に理解しやすくさせる、ということです。芸術家であると同時に詩人のデーンは、画像の言語が瞑想的であり旋律的なものにも成り得る、というところを是非観て頂ければと願っています。 

